Late night discoveries
It is currently 3:17AM in Manila and the past few hours have been jam-packed full of dialog and discovery. Although there is a 2-4 generation gap between myself and a majority of my colleagues, it amazes me how cohesive we have proved ourselves to be. Each and every one of us comes from a different background and set of experiences, yet we are able to understand and compliment one another.
One of my colleagues, Dean, who works as Chief of Staff for Assemblyman Rob Banta and a 3rd generation Fil-Am, asked me what compelled me to come on this trip. In that moment, I was really able to reflect on what I am even doing here and what I am hoping to take back to the States.
Also, having one-on-one dialogue with Tony about our conceptions about the Philippines and the differences in mindsets of our generations really opened my mind to begin to understand where my parents were coming from when they first told me I couldn't go on this trip. Instead of simply disagreeing with my parents' belief systems, Tony encouraged me to listen and sympathize with their POVs, because each of us undergo different experience to shape our beliefs and understandings of the world around us.
Basically, I am just so incredibly grateful to be where I am today, on the other side of the Pacific, gearing up to learn more about my Filipino culture and it couldn't have come at a better time. Back home, a lot of things were beginning to cause stress in my life and began to interfere with who I thought I was and who I was becoming. Although I do not expect to come back to the States knowing 100% who I am and what I want in life, I do hope that I will begin to as I am granted this 9-day getaway from my American life.
In 3 more hours, we will be gathering for breakfast and a debrief of what we will be doing throughout the day! L8rrr.
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